AB PIP STEM revisioning

June 28, 2023

The award winning AB PIP STEM (Acton Boxborough Parent Involvement Project Science Technology Engineering Math) organization, has hosted and sponsored free educational events for grades K through 12, including Market Math events at a local supermarket, Star Parties, Nature Walks, STEM Book Club, Night of Code among others. Our local Parent Involvement Project was founded in 2001 following the receipt of grants from the Massachusetts Department of Education and the National Science Foundation. A foundational tenet of PIP is the critical role of community investment and involvement in education. Community partners include the AB Regional School District, the Acton Memorial Library, the Discovery Museum, Danny’s Place, the Acton Water District, and many more.

Most recently, AB PIP STEM, along with the conservation trusts of Acton and Boxborough, Acton Men’s Outdoor Club, Green Acton, and Energize Acton, promoted student involvement in the community BioBlitz event, June 1-15. Another recent event was the presentation of scholarships at the ABRHS Scholarship Awards Ceremony. These scholarships were awarded to the following seven students for leadership, mentorship and volunteerism at AB PIP STEM events: Alison Yee, Mariana Maranga, Anya Mittal, Sidarth Krishna, Sunaina Tipirneni, Emma Liu, and Grace Hart.

Two teachers and six high school students standing on a stage. All are smiling and students are holding up scholarship awards.
Pictured from left to right: AB PIP STEM Co-Chair Dawn Peterson, scholarship recipients Alison Yee, Mariana Maranga, Anya Mittal, Sunaina Tipirneni, Emma Liu, and Grace Hart, AB PIP STEM Co-Chair Karen Pierce (not pictured: Sidarth Krishna) Photo credit: AB PIP STEM

AB PIP STEM, under the leadership of Co-Chairs Dawn Peterson and Karen Pierce, is launching an enthusiastic renewal of the program coming out of the period when only virtual events were possible due to Covid-19 restrictions. The organization is seeking parent volunteers to ensure the continued vitality of this important program that serves AB’s student population. If you are interested in volunteering, please visit actonpip.org for more information and to apply.


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