Friends of the Acton Libraries’ Apple Pie Contest

October 30, 2023

The Friends of the Acton Libraries’ second annual Apple Pie Contest drew 7 entries from Acton residents, and winners were announced in the Meeting Room on the first floor of the Memorial Library on Sunday afternoon, October 29. The judging of the pies had taken place the day before under the guidance of Head Judge Joan Milnes, a member of the Acton Woman’s Club, food columnist, and former pie judge for the Topsfield Fair. Other judges included the 2022 Apple Pie Contest winners, Nethra Packiam (15 and under category) and Janet Irons (adult category), as well as Library Assistant in Patron Services, Donna White. According to Milnes, White won a prize about ten years ago for her own apple pie at the Topsfield Fair.  

A group of people behind a table, on which there are a variety of apple pies
2022 winners Nethra Packiam and Janet Irons and 2023 winners Henry and Jessica Martyn and Cecilia Russella Pollard stand with the pie entries and Head Judge Joan Milnes. Photy by Alissa Nicol

Milnes announced the 2023 winners to the expectant, and hungry, crowd. Cecilia Russella Pollard won the “15 and under” category with her Granny Smith, Gala and Jazz filled pie. She learned about the contest from an announcement published in the RJ Grey Jr. High newsletter. Other than a couple of practice attempts made solely in preparation for the contest, this was Russella Pollard’s first pie. She seemed very pleased with her win.

Jessica and Henry Martyn won the “general bakers all ages” category which replaced last year’s “adult” category to accommodate baking pairs. Now in 6th grade, Henry Martyn is an experienced baker, baking with his family from the age of 6 or 7. He and his mom used two apple varieties in their winning pie: about ¾ of the filling was Granny Smith and the rest Honeycrisp. An unexpected filling ingredient was a tiny bit of vanilla extract. The Martyns looked at four or five pie crust recipes before settling on a French pâte brisée recipe. Why? Jessica Martyn said it was the most straightforward and didn’t call for shortening. In support of her son’s passion for baking, she has signed Henry up for a Community Education baking series. The first class in the series will be “Apples, Apples, Apples” where Henry will be making three apple desserts. “I have at least five cookbooks,” Henry shared. He saw the announcement on the library’s electronic message board one day, and knew he wanted to enter the contest.

All attendees enjoyed a slice (or more) of pie. Whipped cream and cheddar cheese slices were available to accompany the pies, as well as cider donuts and cold apple cider. The two winning pies were gone first, of course, but it was not long before all 7 pie plates were empty. The Friends of the Acton Libraries is a volunteer organization dedicated to funding the town’s elementary, middle, and high school library budgets. To learn more about the group, see Friends of the Acton Libraries.


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