Emergency Assistance Program

June 28, 2023

The Acton Select Board allocated $50,000, and another $100,000 in reserve, of the approximately $7 million in American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) monies the town received in 2021 from the Federal Government to fund an Emergency Rental Assistance Program. Requests from residents for funds to help pay bills associated with mortgages, childcare, and utilities led the board to expand the initial $50,000 allocation to a more general Emergency Assistance Program in February of this year. This program has been successful in helping fifty-two Acton residents with grants totaling $45,654. The flexible use of these funds has been a tremendous support to the residents receiving the grants. Requests for assistance continue to remain high. On Monday, May 22, the Select Board unanimously approved that the remainder of the allocated ARPA rental assistance funds, totaling $100,000, also be expanded to include the categories of mortgage, utilities and childcare. With this vote, the program can continue to provide flexible assistance that best meets the needs of the community. To apply for a grant, please find the application here – https://www.acton-ma.gov/DocumentCenter/View/8597/Acton-Emergency-Assistance-Application-37


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