Letters to the Exchange

The Acton Exchange Team welcomes your thoughts on our news coverage or other local issues. Letters from our readers are an important part of the “exchange”!  To submit a letter, please follow the directions and guidelines on our Letters Policy Page.  Note that letters pertaining to elections or Town Meeting must be received one week before the event to be considered for publication.

Letters express the opinion of the writer and do not represent the opinion of the Acton Exchange or its Board of Directors. 

Letter:  Support our Town and Schools (Override)

April 19, 2024
Please join me in voting YES for the operating override on April 30. While my service as a Select Board member informs my perspective, the views expressed here are my own and do not necessarily… Read More

Letter:  Vote No on Override 

April 19, 2024
There are many reasons to reject this override. First and foremost, the inverse correlation between school enrollment and spending is a sign that our money is not being spent wisely. Excess teacher… Read More

Letter:  Please Vote YES on the Override 

April 19, 2024
As an Acton-Boxborough educator and member of the Acton Boxborough Education Association (ABEA), I have had many conversations with my colleagues about the override. I will be the first to admit… Read More

Letter:  Support our Core Strengths – We will need them (Override)

April 19, 2024
Many would consider me an energetic optimist. I do believe difficult problems can be solved by studying the issues, thinking through various solutions and mutually collaborating.  Clearly… Read More

Letter:  Trust is on the ballot (Override)

April 19, 2024
We’re confident that other letters to the editor will provide reasons to vote YES to support the override in the Acton Town Election on April 30, and vote YES on the town and school budgets at… Read More

Letter:  Override is the Right Thing to Do

April 19, 2024
Like many Acton homeowners, it is difficult to consider voting for an override on the town ballot and at Town Meeting - especially with an already-looming quarterly tax bill. However, it is clear… Read More

Letter:  Love Acton Exchange’s Web Site 

April 19, 2024
The new web site design offers clear categories and a clean design.  It is easy to read and visually appealing.  I will be checking for new stories and updates more frequently -… Read More

Letter:  Regarding the Upcoming Operational Override

April 19, 2024
There has been a considerable amount of discussion regarding the upcoming operational override in conversations between staff members at Acton and Boxborough schools. As the override approaches,… Read More

Letter:  Yes on the Override

April 19, 2024
I'm a triple threat here in Acton: a taxpayer, a teacher at the high school, and a parent of a kindergartener.  The override is certainly a difficult amount of money to swallow, and people… Read More

Letter:  I Ask You to Vote for The Override

April 11, 2024
As a resident of Acton, a parent, a veteran, and advocate for our community’s future, I ask you to vote for the override to support the citizens of Acton, particularly our school-aged… Read More

Letter:  Long Past Time to Say Adieu to the Abandoned McDonald’s

April 11, 2024
The June 20, 2008 edition of the now-defunct Beacon published an article written by Christian Schiavone with the following headline: “Main Street McDonald’s closing”.  That… Read More

Letter:  The Forum is not Non-Partisan (Override)

April 11, 2024
Your April 1 article Town override information and a forum to answer voter questions promoting the open forum as a “non-partisan” opportunity to discuss the override was quite… Read More

Letter: Support the Override

April 11, 2024
As I've been campaigning for the operating override here in town, I've heard a lot of understandable complaining about taxes. There's no doubt that Acton taxes are high, and as a taxpayer myself I… Read More

Letter:  On the Edge of the Zone of Totality

April 11, 2024
My name is Dawn Peterson and I live in Acton with my husband and 10-year-old son. We made the eleventh-hour decision on Sunday night to  drive toward Montpelier to try to catch totality. (Our… Read More

Letter:  Special Education Budget Concerns (Override)

April 11, 2024
As a ten-year volunteer for the Acton-Boxborough Special Education Parent Advisory Council (AB SEPAC), I am deeply concerned about what will happen to our students with disabilities should the Acton… Read More

Letter: Giving Thanks

April 11, 2024
I would like to congratulate the members of the Acton Exchange for taking the news gathering of Marion Maxwell and her compatriots to the next level.  This is not an easy undertaking and… Read More

Letter: Draw the Line on Tax Increases (Override)

April 5, 2024
What were Acton Select Board members thinking when they supported a six-million-dollar tax hike for next year? They couldn't be thinking of seniors who live on fixed incomes and are already… Read More

Letter: Acton Leadership Group (ALG) Must Advocate for Reduced Spending (Override)

April 5, 2024
I am opposed to the upcoming override vote. Many seniors will be required to trade payment of essentials for their tax bill. Their resources are already stretched. I do not see the same attitude on… Read More

Letter: Lack of Thrift (Override)

April 5, 2024
Since moving to Acton almost three years ago, I have wondered why the school district’s annual report is not posted electronically, or at least printed on inexpensive and lightweight newsprint.… Read More

Letter: Error in Stop & Shop Article

March 15, 2024
I just read the article about Stop and Shop by Jeff Brown and want to point out an error.  The sentence, “Other grocery stores in the area include a Stop and Shop in West Concord near the Acton… Read More

Letter: Thanks for Override Article

January 26, 2024
Thanks lots for publishing the article on the override. This is really a service to the Town, and one that is needed. David… Read More

Letter: Question about Fossil Fuel Free Building Construction

January 3, 2024
With respect to your January 3 article on State Approval of Acton's Participation in Fossil Fuel Free Building Construction and Renovation Demonstration Project: Does this apply to single family… Read More


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